Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pankaj Art Gallery, Mysore, Bags Jewlery and More

Kira from the blog this is my sadhana, and Carla, mentioned that Pankaj Art Gallery had beautiful bags, silver jewlery, and lots of other delightful things to look at and, if you are up for it, even indulge...  Have not been there, but if you go and take pictures let me know.

Visit for full context over the Mysore and Ashtanga Yoga experience or follow me on Twitter at

Oyster Bay Restaurant in Mysore, A Treat!

About a 10 minute rickshaw drive and you feel like you are in a different place. Outside the buzzle of India, within the restaurant... peace, air, quiet, sound of water running.  You may think you are in a Thailand resort or a high end Hong Kong restaurant.

Visit for full context over the Mysore and Ashtanga Yoga experience or follow me on Twitter at